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Our All India CA Inter Rankers from Pune


Shrawani Godbole

Rank AIR 27

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Rank Holder


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Rankholder's Wisdom
Interview with Rank holder

Adaesh Shastri

AIR 27 CA Inter May22

Interview with Rank holder

Adaesh Shastri

AIR 38 CA Inter May23

Frequently Asked Questions
Enrolling in a course is simple. Just visit our website, browse the available courses, and click on the "Enroll Now" button. You will be guided through the registration process and can start learning right away.

Every Course includes video lectures and PDF of notes used in the lecure

We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, online banking, and digital wallets. All transactions are secure and encrypted to ensure your safety and privacy.

We do not use franchisee model for selling. Thus franchisee fees is eliminated. Further, we provide pdf copies of notes. This reduces cost of printing and courier charges. Elimination of Franchisee fees, Printing and courier charges ensures that we can provide quality coaching at lowest price to all students.

Yes. Occasionally, we announce coupon discounts  on different courses. You can use these coupons to buy the courses at a discounted price. To get details of coupons, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel.